Tuesday 1 November 2016

Preliminary Task - Filming Our Piece

When filming our piece, we used a variety of shot lengths, angles and movements such as a tracking shot, panning shot, birds eye view, eye line match, etc. In the location we were in, it was quite difficult to film shots that involved long or medium shot lengths because we were limited to the amount of room we had and the camera didn't zoom out very far. However, we managed to work around that problem by slightly changing things up for example like we couldn't film the shot of the police on the ground and the suspect and detective still in their seats so we made it obvious he was on the ground by making one of the characters look down at him and act surprised and did a bird's eye view of him in the next shot. Overall it took about 2 hours to film and it was easy to organize the shots and we worked well with the group.

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