Tuesday 24 January 2017

The Impact of Certification

Certification can create a big impact on the film industry because films that contain certain content may be restricted to certain age groups which decreases the size of the audience and therefore the size of the income. Institutions need to be aware of who their target audience is and what content they will involve in their films because if their target audience is aimed at people younger than the certification, then it is likely that the film won't be successful as people who would want to watch the film aren't allowed to watch it.
The Woman in Black (2011) is a horror film that experienced a problem towards certification. They wanted to release the film as a 12A so therefore the film would be open to a wider range of people so there would be a bigger audience and a bigger income. However there was a debate about whether the film should've been released as a 15 because of the many scenes that contained supernatural horror and threat towards the main character and others. Yet the film managed to release as a 12A which was beneficial for the films institutions and was very successful.
By doing this work it has helped me to understand more about how important it is to consider the age of the target audience for your film and the content you will involve because certification can cause a great impact towards removing part of the audience who want to watch your film which then decreases the amount of income you will get.

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