Tuesday 7 February 2017

Generic Conventions in Film Openings

For this task, I am going to research into the genres involved in the film industry to fully understand what each of them are and what sort of audiences they attract. I am hoping this task will give me a good overview of the genres so I have a better understanding of them and I have more of an idea of what genre my own film opening could be.

The genre 'adventure' is a category in which films contain content like travelling to a destination to get something or save someone, a disaster of some-sort that is causing a big problem, exploration in exotic locations, historic references or unrealistic/exaggerated situations. They tend to have an exciting story that isn't possible to happen in the 'real world'. I do like a lot of films from this genre and I would say it's one of my favourites because you get to see the world from a different perspective and I makes you wonder of the possibilities of what our world could be like if something like what occurs in a film happened or whether it's happening somewhere beyond us. Since 1995, 'adventure' has been ranked the most popular genre by a share of 22.49% compared to the other film genres. It's made a total box office of about $45bn with 708 films. An example of a recent popular film that is of the genre adventure is 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children' which is based in the real world, but contains elements that are unrealistic and can't happen. I believe that adventure films target audience range so drastically because they often draw in all types of people from different ages and genders which is why I think it is one of the most popular genres. I am interested in using this genre for my film opening as I really like it and have many ideas for it. However I believe it will be quite difficult to make a good adventure film without out it looking to basic because we don't have a big budget to spend, so we can't travel to an exotic location or buy the equipment to create CGI.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children trailer:

The genre 'comedy' is a category in which films contain content like an exaggerated situation that is however realistic, a sense of humour towards characters and their relationships, a funny storyline with generally a happy ending, content that possibly should be taken seriously but isn't, and people doing things that consider them as ignorant which amuses the audience. I enjoy most comedy films but I don't often watch them as I am not entirely keen on them because I would prefer to watch something with an in-depth/interesting storyline. Comedy is ranked 2nd on the most popular genres watched since 1955 with a share of 21.39% and made a total box office of around $43bn, yet it has had around 2302 films released so a lot more money has been put towards these films compared to adventure films. An example of a popular comedy film is 'Mean Girls' which bases of a realistic but exaggerated storyline where content isn't taken seriously so its enjoyable and funny to watch. The target audience for a comedy film can range from all ages but it depends mainly on the storyline of the film and what its about. For example 'Mean Girls' would probably attract teenage girls because its based on the life of teenage girls at school where as the film 'The Hangover' would probably attract men aged in their 20s because of the age of the characters and that its based in Las Vegas, yet they are both comedy films. I am interested in using this genre in my own film opening because I think it will be easier to create something based on comedy as most comedy films don't need advanced technology in order for it to suit the genre.
Mean Girls trailer:

The genre 'action' is a category in which films contain content such as stunts, chases, fighting scenes, explosions, non-stop motion, good guys battling bad guys, guns, natural disasters and a realistic/well-known location. Action is probably my favourite genre because I feel that they often draw me into the universe of the film well and they have a meaningful/in-depth storyline. Action is ranked 3rd in the most popular genres since 1955 with a share of 18.22% making a total box office $36bn with 816. So generally this genre has worked out better than comedy but as action films contain a lot of stunts, they need a big enough budget to get the equipment to perform it. A popular & recent action film is 'Deadpool' which contains things like stunts and fighting scenes, and bases off a storyline with a 'superhero' defeating the villain. Action is mainly targeted towards males aged from around 12 and up because the characters in these films such as the hero and the villain tend to be male as stereotypically, things like fights, explosions and chases tend to be considered as masculine. I am interested in using this genre in my film opening as even though we don't have a big budget and don't have access to a lot of equipment involved for stunts, you don't necessarily need to include it within the first few minutes of a film while still keeping some qualities of an action film.
Deadpool trailer:

The genre 'drama' is a category in which films contain content such as a serious but in-depth plot line, realistic characters, settings & situations, and can emphasise other genres such as comedy and action. I have not seen many films that are specifically of this genre but judging with what I have seen alongside TV programmes, I find this genre quite intriguing because it reminds me of a horror movie but in a real life situation as a lot of tension and dramatic irony is used to draw in the audience as it makes you want to understand the story. They can often be based on real stories that have actually happened which helps you to learn more about our world and things that you are unaware of that are happening or could happen. Since 1995, the genre of 'drama' has been made into around 4442 movies which is the most movies made for one genre. I believe it is so popular because often a lot of films that are action, adventure, comedy etc can also contain drama so they are categorised as that as well. However it is ranked 4th with a share of 16.64% and has made approximately $33bn. An example of a specific drama film is 'Deepwater Horizon' which I haven't seen but by looking at the trailer I can tell that it has a serious, in-depth storyline and is based off of a true story. Drama films generally target an older audience because of the mature plots they have however it ranges drastically on who watches them depending on what the story is and who the characters are. I like the idea of using this genre for my own film opening but I would combine it with another genre because I don't have many ideas towards introducing an in-depth storyline at the beginning without it looking too basic so I would include possibly action so there will be action going on as well.
Deepwater Horizon trailer:

The genre 'thriller' is a category in which films contain content such as jump scares, constant build ups of tension, draws the viewer into the universe of the film and puts you in the perspective of the main character, and performs an unrealistic but possible storyline. I like thriller films because when your put in the perspective of the main character and tension is being built up, it brings up a lot of emotion and makes you worry or feel the same way as the characters. This draws the audience into the film while taking them out of their comfort zone. This genre has been ranked 5th compared to the other genres with a market share of 8.50% with a total box office of $17bn. Around 895 films have been made of this genre since 1995 which quite a small amount compared to how many drama films have been made. Like drama, thriller is the sort of genre that is often combined with other genres and isn't specifically titled for a film. An example of a thriller film is 'Jaws' with contains and unrealistic storyline but elements of possibility as its about a shark attacking people which can and has happened. I am not so interested on including thriller within my film opening because I feel that you need to get to know the characters in order to put the viewer in their perspective otherwise it isn't as emotional.
Jaws trailer:

Genre Statistics
By doing this task, I have a much better understanding of what the definition of these 5 genres are, how popular they are, what sort of content an audience expects to see within a specific genre and what sort of audience is targeted for them. I looked at these 5 genres in particular because I definitely knew I wanted to base my film opening on one of these and know that I have researched them, it has helped me what sort of genre is best to do and has brought me more ideas. I have narrowed my options down to action, comedy and thriller but I am considering combining them as I have some good ideas for them all. This has helped me a lot with choosing them and now I need to start bringing my ideas together to begin creating my film opening.


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