Thursday 20 April 2017

Research On Institutional Logos

For this task I am going to research into the types of logos institutions use in order to help me understand what sort of aspects I need to include for my designs and to help me think of some ideas. I also need to compare independent logos to mainstream logos so I know specifically what properties a mainstream logo has compared to independent. I expect mainstream logos to be more appealing to audiences as they would spend more on it in terms of time and money compared to independent institutions. Mainstream companies such as the big six are also better known so they must have an iconic logo that represents them. As we are a mainstream company we will need to make sure our logo meets these standards.

These are logos from mainstream institutions in which consist of the big six. I have noticed that they are all animated - they all contain some type of movement which is either the frame moving or objects in the frame are moving. They also all contain detailed, colourful backgrounds making the logo look more appealing to audiences. They are all unique and match the theme of the logo for example Universal Studios contains the globe, and Paramount contains a mountain. This makes the company stand out more to the audience and makes them more recognisable. For our institutions, as we are mainstream we will want to use some of these ideas for our logo for example for movement in the logo, Zip-Up Productions could have a logo with a zip animation, and Cuff studios could have an animation with cuffs. I have also noticed that a lot of the mainstream logos contain distinctive music in their animations so if you herd this tune you could easily tell where its from and it will remind you of the company.

When looking at these independent company logos I have noticed a huge difference between them and mainstream logos. Some of these contain good content that make them appealing for example the film4 logo is quite intriguing but the actual logos are a lot more basic and don't contain a lot of detail. They all involve the name of their company then a design to go with the logo. Some do contain animation but not they are not as unique and recognisable as the mainstream companies. I did expect this because mainstream companies generally have a big budget and can afford to spend more on their logos so therefore they would be more appealing to an audience.
By doing this research I have learnt that in order to create an intriguing logo for our company we need to add a lot of animation in it with quite dramatic music as well as making it look appealing and easily recognisable. This research has helped me understand the properties of what a mainstream logo has compared to an independent companies logo and what sort of features I need to include for mine. Now we need to design the logo and create it for our film opening.

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