Thursday 23 February 2017

Our Production Company

For this task I am going to talk about what sort of production company we are going to be and why we have chosen it. The name of our production company is 'Cuff Studios' which we chose because cuff is quite a unique word for clothing and we had to base our name off of clothing. We have chosen to be a mainstream insitiution because we would like to take the challenge of creating a mainstream film opening. A mainstream institution is a company that works on a big scale and they generally top in the film industry. Also we have a lot of ideas towards the story and look of our sequence which will draw in a broad audience instead of a niche audience as that is our target audience. We would like to experience what its like to make a film opening in the same way as what the big six make as they are very successful companies and I believe we will learn a lot of new skills from doing so. Therefore we want our company to be like these mainstream companies; Universal, Disney, Warner Bros, etc, as we have a similar goal to the outcome of their films, except not as extreme because we don't have a big budget like they do. Now that we have chosen what sort of company we are going to be, we need to research into institutional logos and decide what ours is going to be.

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