Wednesday 8 February 2017

Differences Between Mainstream and Independent Films

For this task I am going to look into the differences between mainstream and independent films as I have mainly looked at mainstream films so I want to research into independent in-case we decide to base our film opening on an independent film.

Independent Films
  • In independent films, an important aspect about them is that the genre isn't specific and it's often quite hard to tell what genre it is. For example in the film 'American Honey' it contains so many aspects from different genres that it is difficult to label what genre it actually is. They do this to not specifically be categorised otherwise they may lose some audience.
  • Smaller institutions make independent films because otherwise they will be competing with the big six, and its suitable as they only have a small budget where as they have much bigger. They save money by doing things like advertising on social media and using less technology, but they have to pay distribution companies to distribute their films whereas the big six have their own distribution companies.
  • Independent films usually contain limited well-known actors as the institutions generally can't afford to have big stars. In the independent film 'Fish Tank', Michael Fassbender plays a role in the cast yet he is quite a big celebrity, however when the film was created back in 2009 he wasn't as big as he is now. 
  • Independent films attract niche audiences because they aren't mainstream and therefore attract an audience who would be specifically interested in the film. It is stereotypical that independent films often attract an older audience whereas main stream attract a younger audience.
  • Independent companies are very limited to distribution because they have to pay distribution companies to do so whereas mainstream films often have their own distribution companies. This is a problem because of the small budget independent companies have so they can't afford to get their films out to lots of cinemas which is why we rarely see them out at cinemas. Therefore as they tend to have limited release, independent films are often put straight onto DVD or online through services like Netflix.
  • Independent films generally have lower production values because of their low budget so they don't often contain content like explosions, big stunts, special effects, etc.
  • They are mainly produced outside major film studios compared to mainstream films which are produced in places like Hollywood. Therefore the public won't be very aware of who is behind the film.
  • Independent films are rarely filmed in well-known locations for example big cities because they can't afford to as it's too expensive to travel to these places. This can cut down the size of the audience because if it is filmed somewhere local for example like the film 'A field in England' this wouldn't attract people from all over the world.
  • Independent films are rarely shown at multiplex cinemas because of their lack of distribution.
  • Their marketing campaigns often rely on social media and word of mouth because that is free. For example for the film 'Ex Machina' they used Tinder to help advertise the film.
Mainstream Films
  • Mainstream films attract a mass audience because they can afford to have a huge marketing campaign to help their films get herd of by the public.
  • Mainstream companies make more money from their films compared to independent because they have a bigger budget to begin with to put towards producing the film. Therefore they have higher production values e.g. better technology.
  • They are shown at multiplex cinemas and are easier to access than independent films.
  • They are often filmed in 3D and IMAX or converted into it so people have a choice on how they wish to watch the film and can generally attract a bigger audience and make it better.
  • Mainstream films attract a worldwide audience as they attract a mass audience and are shown worldwide.
  • They have more specific genres compared to independent who have safe genres.
  • The big six (Disney, Universal, Paramount, Fox Studios, Sony, Warner Bros) are the top, major institutions of the film industry who are behind most of the best mainstream films. Recent films made by:
    • Disney - Beauty and the Beast, Cars 3, Rouge One: A Star Wars Story, Moana
    • Universal - Get Out, Fifty Sides Darker, The Great Wall, Split, The Fate Of The Furious
    • Paramount - Baywatch, Arrival, Silence, Fences, Transformers: The Last Knight
    • Fox - Assassins Creed, Logan, Hidden Figures, A Cure For Wellness, The Boss Baby
    • Sony - Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, Don't Breathe, Life, Magnificent Seven
    • Warner Bros - Fantastic Beasts, Annabelle 2, Kong: Skull Island, Everything Everything
  • Mainstream films will generally be filmed in expensive locations that are well known as they have a big enough budget to travel. This ranges from capital cities and famous landmarks all over the world.
  • A lot of recent mainstream films consist of a franchise of either old films (beauty and the beast), a series of films (The Fate of Furious from Fast and Furious), and a best-selling novel (Fifty Shades Darker). This helps to draw in a bigger audience because the people who have read the books or seen previous films of the franchise know of what the film is going to be like and maybe interested to watch it.

  • Mainstream companies advertise using trailers, tv ads, internet, magazines, posters/bill boards, radio, and social media because they have a high budget and can afford too where as independent films can't so they have to spend as least as possible when it comes to marketing.
By doing this task I now have a much better understanding of what the differences and similarities of mainstream and independent films are. I learnt that a lot of what makes these categories so different is the budget because independent companies are trying to compete with mainstream whilst having a much lower budget. This has helped me more towards deciding on whether I want our production company for our film opening to be mainstream or independent as I now know what consists of them both and what I would need to produce for them. I think being a mainstream company would provide more of a challenge of trying to reach the standards of a mainstream film opening whilst being in a lower position than an independent company.

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