Tuesday 7 February 2017

Making a Film Opening With Jelly Babies

 This is the main character of this film opening being taken to the airport for a business trip.
 He has now been dropped off and is waving good bye to the person who dropped him off.
 He has gone to the check-in desk to weigh his suit case and have his pass port checked.
 He is getting onto the plane as the captain welcomes him.
 He is seated on the plane and is getting ready for the flight.
 Everyone is seated and the cabin crew are doing the safety presentation.
 The plane takes off.
 The cabin crew are giving out refreshments and take is passing by as normal.
 Turbulence starts occurring and the passenger spills his drink. The cabin crew advise everyone to sit in their seats and put on their seat belts.
 We see that there is thunder and lightning surrounding the plane as they get closer to the Bermuda Triangle.
After a lot of turbulence the plane sits still and then we see a bright light appear which is so bright that you can't see beyond it. Then it goes to black and shows the name of the film. This leaves the opening on a cliff hanger as we don't understand what happened to them therefore the audience will be intrigued and want to carry on watching.
By doing this task it has helped to teach me how to come up with a good storyline in a short amount of time. It has allowed me to practice creating storyboards on the spot and developing ideas for when I create my own film opening. It has also allowed me to consider placement of titles and learn more about what's the best order to put them in that is suited for the type of film opening it is.

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