Sunday 12 February 2017

Our Opening Re-Make

For this task, I am going to re-create a film opening from a previous film to experience the process of creating a film opening so I know what is to come when making my own. We have chosen to re-make the film opening from 'Se7en' because we have good ideas that will help us create a really similar piece which they will almost look the same. Also there's a lot of editing involved so we can learn a lot from it from this aspect. I believe this will help me out a lot by learning how to use the software's and how to film in the right way. Also as we are re-making a successful film, it shows what we can achieve in relation to it as we aren't a big institution with the technology, time and equipment that they have.

Se7en film opening:

Our re-make:
To conclude, I found it quite easy to do when filming and editing this piece because of the planning we did for it as that really helped us organise what shots we needed and how long they were. We also managed to gather all the props we needed and we found a room that was suitable to shoot in because of the lighting. I would say editing was the hardest part because of how long it took to complete and how much we actually had to do. This has allowed me to practice things like filming and editing to a similar degree of what it took to create the Se7en film opening in so now I know what to expect when I create my own film opening and I know how I am going to plan and create it.

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