Wednesday 22 February 2017

Films That Have Influenced me

For this task, I am going to be talking about the films that have influenced me for my film opening. I am going to look at what ideas they have given me and summarise how I could use these ideas for my sequence.

Deadpool is a mainstream action film that has hugely influenced my ideas towards choosing the genre of my film. I like how it is an action film, but also has a twist of comedy to it because I feel that it makes the film opening more fun to watch as well as intriguing. Its given me ideas on themes as to what lighting to use as it looks quite natural and dull but it suits the genre well. I have gathered ideas about slowly revealing the scene as in Deadpool it begins with lots of close ups and by the end of the film opening, you get to see what the whole picture is. I think this is an interesting of introducing the film and gets the audience intrigued by slowly introducing the scene. It has also given me ideas on location, as to film in city-like location as that is often a popular sort of location for action films. The pace is very slow and calm making the situation seem less serious, bringing out that aspect of comedy.

This is a comedy film, and there is a particular scene in the Hangover film that has influenced me with some ideas which is when Stu, Alan and Phil give Mr Chow the money. An idea that I gained from it is the types of costumes to use and character ideas. I like what Mr Chows guards wear as the look smart but casual making them look high in power. I also like how Mr Chow genuinely looks weak because he is smaller than his guards, but still looks high in power because of how he acts, what he wears compared to the others and the position he is in. This scene is exaggerated and not taken seriously which is what makes it funnier to watch, and is the sort of idea I have in mind for my film opening. One other aspect I like is that they are the only characters in the scene, so the attention is directly drawn at them and there is no one in the background.

Redemption - student film opening
This student film opening has influenced me a lot towards narrative as my main idea if based off of this. The first thing I like about it, is that they begin with an establishing shot of London and zoom out to the back of the characters head, so its not directly showing the character straight away. This shot immediately suggests that this is an action film to the audience making it clear on what the genre is. I do like a lot of the shots they use during the sequence for example the shot where the cars are driving in to the car park which it makes the shot more interesting than it actually is. I also like their use of pace when during the fighting scene, the pace is much faster because of the action taking place. However instead of killing the guards, I think he should have just ran and had been chased, but I could involve that in my piece as well. This film opening also gave me the idea of having a brief case, but instead of the guy stealing it, he could deliver it to the person but then what's in it isn't what he expected it to be.

By doing this task I have mentioned some points about the ideas I have gathered from other sources and discussed how I could use them in my film opening. This has helped me overview my ideas and begin to develop a storyline from it.

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